Sunday, December 28, 2008

Our Life!

Our Life! It's amazing what life will put in front of you! Things can change so fast.
Our horse Lady got Pigeon Fever, not something that you want going around. We have been giving her antibiotics and she seems to be feeling a lot more chipper. I can't believe it's the New Year already! This coming year (2009) I think will be one of the most important and interesting years we've ever experienced, not only for me personally, but for my whole family. I am constantly reminded that everything is in the Lord's hands, and the only thing I can do is just follow him and do as he asks. All in all this has been a great year. I have come SO close to my Savior, and the experiences I have had, the feelings I have felt, and the things I have learned this year will go with me throughout my life. I am so thankful for everyone I know who has taught me things and been good examples for me and my family. I am excited for this coming year and for what the future holds. I am nervous yes, but excited all the same. We have truly been blessed this year.
May the Lord bless everyone we know, and everyone we don't! Love Always, the Ruell Family
I am SO frusterated that this won't let me post everything want!