Wednesday, May 5, 2010


We had 2 Nubian kids and 5 Boer cross kids born in the last week of February, but unfortunately 3 of them died because of unknown causes. But the last four are doing well and we will be selling 3 bucks.
We also had 2 purebred Nubians and 2 nubian/angora cross kids born on April 30th. All of them are doing very well and we have 3 more bucks to sell. If you or anyone you know is interested please e-mail us at
Happy Spring!

We should be having more kids (possibly two doe will be kidding) in May and we may possibley be having 4 more does kidding in July. I will post all of these as soon as possible. Check our website as well because I update that more often.


Aubrey Hatch said...

Hey there! I had NO idea about this blog! All these years. . . ;) haha So, I tried the website and it doesn't work; I guess you aren't doing it anymore? Just wondering. Fun stuff, fun stuff!

McKall said...

I don't think many people know about this actually. I really need to write more. I'm planning on writing more when school starts though. How are you?